The first edition has 10 volumes and is published from 1860 to 1868), in Edinburgh. Today it is called the Chambers Twenty-First Century Dictionary. From 1901 the dictionary was titled Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary. They lived in Peebles, a small town in the Scottish Borders. Its two original authors and publishers were Scots, the brothers William (1800-1883) and Robert Chambers (1802-1871), the latter being a famous naturalist. Its tenth edition was published in 2006 by Chambers Harrap Publishers. The Chambers Dictionary is a reference dictionary for the English language. It is the starting point for many studies on the English language, and the order in which the different spellings of words are listed there has a great influence on the written English of many countries.

The intention of the work is to collect all the known uses and variants of each word in all varieties of English from around the world, past and present, as well as their etymologies, history, pronunciation, etc.

There are 137,000 pronunciations, 249,000 etymologies, 577,000 cross-references, and 2,412,400 illustrative citations.

In addition to the main entries, it contains 157,000 combinations and derivatives in bold and 169,000 phrases and combinations in bold italic, for a total of 616,500 expressions. In the same way, it gives rise to a complete and defined explanation of its syntax and its same grammar as of November 30, 2005, it includes some 301,000 main entries, through 350 million characters. The Oxford English Dictionary (abbreviated OED) is a dictionary published by the Oxford University Press, considered the most scholarly and complete dictionary of the English language, as well as the main point of reference for its etymological study.